St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Sunday, January 27, 2008


News from the 149th Annual Parish Meeting

The 149th Annual Parish Meeting was held in Latta Hall on January 20, 2008. After attending mass in the church, the parish convened to brunch and a meeting in Latta Hall.

During the meeting it was noted that we have survived without a full-time rector for three years, and thatwe have been very fortunate to have the services of some excellent supply priests from around the diocese. Supply priests are in short supply, as there are very few available and there are quite a few churches around the diocese who are in need of them.

Rhoda Moriarty, Junior Warden, was cited for the wonderful job she has done in the past year and the accomplishments achieved. In addition to the regular maintenance that was done we were able to do some long needed projects:
1. Complete restoration of the interior of the church and nave.
2. Repair and refinishing the exterior walnut doors of the church.
3. Sound system for the church and basement.
4. Outside masonry work on the bricks.
5. Parking lot completely redone with new asphalt.
6. Basement repainted and repair work done on restrooms.

Also in the past year, we were saddened by the death of long-time member, Mary Lou Kercher. Mary Lou was recognized as one who has served the parish and was a good friend to everyone. She served many years as chairman of the Cheeseball Committee, and we were thankful for all of the hard work Mary Lou did over the years, as well as her guidance in that position.

Thankfully, we were fortunate to have Patrick Robinson take over as chairman and get us through the making and sale of the cheeseballs after Mary Lou's passing.

In 2007 we also enjoyed a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, a Fall Holiday Auction, Lenten soup and salad meals following Stations of the Cross and Christian Education; a parish picnic in August; a euchre party in November and an Epiphany Brunch at Maplecrest Country Club. A confirmation/refresher course was conducted by Senior Warden Chuck Wicks, and the Bishop
will be here for a confirmation service on January 30.

Election of officers for 2008 was held:
Senior Warden: Chuck Wicks
Junior Warden: Rhoda Moriarty
Vestry Members: Janet Kercher-Dudley - 3 year term
Sandra Haberstich - 3 year term
Vestry members remaining: Sarah Taft - 2 years
Katie Craig - 1 year
Vera McConnell - 1 year

Committees were established for 2008.
Please consider becoming a part of one of the following vital functions of the parish:
Lay Ministry
Reading Lessons
Altar Guild
Coffee Hosts
Calling Committee
Christian Education
Finance Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Parish Life
Property Committee

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Parish News

News from Texas:
The parish enjoyed a Christmas newsletter from Fr. Arthur Hadley and his wife, Jane, who are wintering in their home in McAllen, Texas. Fr. Hadley has completed and been certified as a Master Gardener, and they included beautiful color pictures of the restoration he has completed of their courtyard. The family will be migrating back to us sometime in the Spring, and we look forward to Fr. Hadley’s wonderful sermons and his smiling face.

Meanwhile, We have been most fortunate to have Fr. Paul Tracy as our supply priest, making it from Mishawaka in all kinds of weather, including Christmas Eve. We will also have Fr. Lansford for some of the Sundays in February, and we will also have Fr. Lodwick for at least one Sunday in March.


Bishop Little to Visit January 30th

Bishop Little’s Annual Visitation will take place on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 6:30 p.m.
During the service there will be one person presented for Confirmation.
A celebration and carry-in supper will take place immediately following the service, and the bishop will conduct a short meeting with the congregation. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Notice Of Annual Meeting

January 20, 2008 will be the 149th Annual Meeting at St. James’.
There will be a carry-in brunch immediately following the 10:00 a.m. mass, with meeting to
There will be election of Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and several vestry members to replace those with expiring terms of three years. Vestry also will vote to fill an unexpired term of two years.
Another vacancy to fill will be secretary and treasurer positions held for several years by Katie Craig. Katie will be retiring (again) as of the Annual Meeting.
Everyone is asked to volunteer for various committees for the 2008 year. These committees are:
Altar Guild Cheeseball Comm.
Parish Life Christian Education
Finance Comm. Property Committee
Long Range Planning Calling Committee
Lay Misistry: Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Readers

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