St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Sunday, August 19, 2007


St. James Weekly

Saint James’ Weekly
August 19, 2007

Mary Lou Kercher. We will all greatly miss you – friend, encourager, and your gentle spirit. RIP. ###

Saint James’ Choir: We now have 4 people who have said, "yes" to Choir (including myself). We still need a few more – please consider this important ministry. ###

Howard and Sarah Taft are back from Indianapolis. We’re so glad to have you home. ###

Sarah Taft reports that her sister, Marge Kehr, recently went to the ER (in Phoenix), and will be admitted to 24-hour care for about two weeks before returning to her home. ###

Congratulations to Jody Snobarger and Phil on their approaching marriage in April 2008! ###

Jimmy’s Place: Adults and Teens. Please try to attend the gathering tonight from 5:30 – 6:30 P.M. The Board of Advisors, the Jimmy’s Place Band, and I covet your presence. It is also Annie Swartley’s last night as lead female singer before heading to Indiana University – Bloomington. We would love to see you. ###

Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services

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