St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Saturday, September 8, 2007


St. James Weekly 09-09-2007

Do you enjoy reading "Saint James Weekly", and receiving the printed version at church?
If you do, please let Dave Swartley know.

Saint James’ Weekly

September 9, 2007

Dear Friends:

Please continue to hold up the following list in prayer:

New people and members for Saint James’/ the people’s ministry.
The Saint James’ Singers/ministry.
Jimmy’s Place; the Band, the Board of Advisors, and finding new ways to attract kids to Jimmy’s Place. The Board met last Thursday evening, and we’ve developed some great ideas – more on this later.
Our Saturday evening 5:55 P.M. Contemporary Eucharist worship service targeted to begin December 1, 2007. If God wants this to happen, He will provide the way for us. (Ask Dave how you can get involved in the planning of this awesome ministry.).
Our Altar Guild/ministry.
Katie, and all of her office ministry responsibilities.
Chuck, Rhoda, our Vestry, and all the sub-committees of the Church.
Dave Zollinger – our Web Site administrator/ministry. ###

Pending the Bishop’s okay, Chuck is considering teaching a Confirmation Class for those who may be interested in being confirmed. (Attending class doesn’t obligate you to get Confirmed.). Also, this will be a "refresher" for those already confirmed. It’s a great way to learn about the Church, history, functions of the Church and greater Church, and Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The class would be held at 10:30 A.M. (after Mass), and thus, other ages of Sunday School would also meet at that time. ###

Tonight, Jimmy’s Place is hosting 4 Bands, and we expect between 100 – 125 kids. I need to buy some more pop, water bottles for the Bands, and chips. If you’re interested in helping with this, please see me after Mass. ###

Lastly, I need your feedback. Is the Saint James’ Weekly mini-newsletter helpful to you? Are you reading it? It’s one way to keep the congregation informed on a regular basis, plus eliminate announcements during the Church service. Please let me know. ###

Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services

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