St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Sunday, September 16, 2007


St. James Weekly 09-16-07

St. James Weekly
Dear Friends:

The Jimmy’s Place band has been asked by the Bishop and his staff to play during lunch at the Diocesan Convention on October 27th. This is a wonderful honor for them. ###

Prayer and Thanksgivings:
For our proposed 5:55 P.M. Contemporary Eucharist service.
For those contemplating Confirmation.
For Jody and Phil as they plan their life together.
For Bishop Little, and the awesome responsibilities that go with his vocation and ministry.
For answered prayers. ###

A BIG thanks to those who helped last week with snacks and pop for Jimmy’s Place. ###

In about two weeks you’re going to be able to hear better! What?? Well, at least in the nave and sanctuary. A wireless microphone and speaker system will be installed – one mic for the celebrant, and one that the Readers and Worship Leader (LEM) will share.

Also, a screen and projector system will be installed in Jimmy’s Place, so scripture, song lyrics, and movie clips can be viewed. We will also use this system for the proposed 5:55 P.M. Saturday evening contemporary Eucharist.

All of this audio-video equipment is made possible by a generous designated gift from Mary K. Stanley, as a memorial to her late husband, Bob Stanley. ###

Swartley News:
We spent the last two days in Bloomington (IU) with Annie. Annie is now thinking about declaring her major in vocal music, i.e., “music management”. This is both exciting and scary to her, the IU Jacobs School of Music is second to none to Julliard. Her Grandpa Swartley would be so proud!
While entering Bloomington, we “just happened” to run into the Robinson-Rheinheimer clan-caravan at Motel 6.
We are now officially empty nesters! Chris and Racheal moved to a home in the country on C.R. 20, just 1 mile east of Jefferson Elementary School. ###

This week marks the 1st anniversary of being your Director of Parish Services. It has been a wonderful year of learning and blessings. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve and represent our beloved Parish.


Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services

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