St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Saturday, September 22, 2007


St. James Weekly

St. James' Weekly
September 23, 2007

God does not ask us to do great things – He wants us to do the things we do – GREATLY.

Dear Friends:

Check out Jimmy’s Place after Mass. The projector and screen have been installed! We just need to move the stage more to the center, and we’ll be all set. ###

It is my understanding that the microphone-audio system for the nave & choir will be installed next week. ###

The St. James’ Cathedral youth group is visiting Jimmy’s Place tonight – about 15 – 20 kids. Please join us if you can. The teaching-message will be on the “Resume of Jesus Christ” and we meet between 5:30 – 6:30 P.M. ###

Cecelia’s 90th birthday celebration last Sunday in Latta Hall was a great time. Cush is back to her young self again after being slightly under the weather. Praise God! ###

A committee has been formed of interested parishioners for the proposed 5:55 Saturday contemporary worship Eucharist. The committee is made up of: Chuck Wicks, Sandy Haberstich, Mary K. Stanley, Pat Robinson, Dave Swartley (and Phyllis Moreland, who will train Dave in Altar Guild procedures). Please let me know if you’re interested in helping with this short-term planning ministry. ###

God is Great and God is Good!


Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services & Jimmy’s Place

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