St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


St. James' Weekly - October 21, 2007

St. James' Weekly
October 21, 2007

Dear Friends:

5:55 @ Saint James’

Please note a new time of starting this service: Saturday, December 8th at 5:55 P.M. Please try to initially attend this opening worship service. ###

Congratulations to Clayton Zollinger and the Goshen High School Freshman football team for a great season! ###

We will be starting a Craft Closet for kids ages 3 – 8 Sunday Schools for Saturday night and Sunday mornings. We need all of those creative little things that you keep saving that have potential as a craft item. See Dave S. for details. ###

Volunteers needed to address and stuff envelopes for two mailings. 1. 5:55 Worship service. 2. Jimmy’s Place. Let Dave S. know if you can help. ###

Thanks to Mil Taylor for a donation of a used refrigerator to Jimmy’ Place and 5:55. ###

Thanks to Steve Dudley for replacing some much needed lights in the parking lot. ###

We still need pantry items – please give when and what you can. ###

Jody and Phil’s house blessing is today immediately following Mass. ###


Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services & Jimmy’s Place

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