St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Sermon for Easter from Father Hadley

Sermon for Easter, 2008
Epiphany Church, Kingsville TX
Arthur Hadley

Alleluia, He is risen. He is risen, indeed, Alleluia

We have again heard the Easter story. Jesus died on the cross. The Roman soldiers confirmed the body of the cross was dead. Just to be sure they stuck a spear into his chest, and both blood and water flowed from the fifth wound in the body of Jesus crucified with nails through both hands and feet, his dead body wounded a fifth time to prove the body was dead. Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus, two high ranking Jewish leaders, took the dead body down from the cross and placed in a new tomb, perhaps owned by Nicodemus. The place of the crucifixion was outside the walls on the main road to Jericho, the same road that Jesus would have used coming down the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem the week before. The tomb was in a garden near the place of the crucifixion. The Garden tomb was in the old stone quarry depleted of all the good stone in order to build the Jerusalem Temple just inside the gate in the wall. Jesus was buried in stone rejected for the building of the Temple.

Psalm 118:21-24
I will give thanks to you, for you answered me and have become my salvation. The same stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing and it marvelous in our eyes.
On this day the Lord has acted; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Jesus dead and buried in the depleted stone quarry raised to new life. Mary Magdalene, and other women came to the tomb and discovered that the large stone used to cover the cave like tomb had been rolled away. Peter and John heard from Mary that the tomb was open; they ran to the tomb and discovered that the tomb was empty. Mary Magdalene saw and heard Jesus speak to her: Do not be afraid.
The same stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.

Alleluia He is risen. He is risen indeed Alleluia.

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