St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Sermon for Maundy Thursday from Father Hadley

Sermon for Maundy Thursday, 2008
Epiphany Church, Kingsville TX
Arthur Hadley

No body likes to do it, but it just has to be done. Jesus and the Apostle were having a dinner party. Some knew, other suspected, and all wanted it not to be so, but this was the last supper with Jesus. They walked through the streets of Jerusalem to go to the place for the dinner.

Walking in Jerusalem is not easy; crowed, noisy, dirty. But back at the time of Jesus it was even dirtier. Donkeys, horses, camels, sheep, chickens all used the same streets as the apostles, all cleaned up wearing the best clothes. So even if you started all clean, by the time you got to the party, your feet had walked the streets of Jerusalem.

Anyone hosting a party would have some child or servant ready at the door of the house with a bowl and fresh clean water to wash the feet of incoming guest.

Jesus did the job of the lowliest servant or child; he washed the feet of each of the apostles, saying I the Lord, your teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. A servant is not greater than their master… Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

Being a follower of Jesus, being a part of the risen body of Christ does have expectation We are to love one another, and we are to be like the child or servant at the door welcoming guests to the table. What ever needs to be done, we do it, even washing each other’s feet. No body really likes being a servant. Some of us do not like having another being a servant for us…We would rather do it ourselves. But part of being Christian is being a servant and allowing others to minister to us.

Tonight, we remember Jesus at the Last Supper, and we do as we are commanded. Maundy Thursday- command Thursday. We come, we have our feet washed to be rid of the dirt of the roadway of life, and we take, bless, break and give the bread of life and the cup of Salvation.

Thanks be to God.

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