St. James' Episcopal Church
Goshen, Indiana

Our 164th Year

Saturday, September 29, 2007


St. James Weekly - September 30, 2007

St. James Weekly
September 30, 2007

Jesus Christ for me, not a name, nor a memory or tradition, nor an idea or sentiment, nor a personification, but a living and personal reality, presence, and power. –William Procher DuBose

Dear Friends:

All of us have lost a person very close. Be it 20 years ago or only two months – we still mourn their/our loss. Pray that the good memories of this person will sustain us, and that God’s love and mercy will comfort us. ###

Goshen College no longer provides churches with student names (privacy act). So, I have written a letter to the 4 Episcopal and 4 Anglican students, and the College will distribute them. A copy of this letter is on the bulletin board beside Dave’s office in Latta Hall, if you would like to read it. I hope we get some student response! ###

The microphone-audio system will be installed in the nave/choir this coming week. ###

We need pantry items – please give when and what you can. ###

Confirmation Classes (also for those who have already been confirmed for a refresher course) will begin today after Mass at 10:45 A.M. led by Chuck Wicks. Please try to attend. ###

Jimmy’s Place: We had a great time last Sunday evening with 18 kids and 3 adult sponsors from St. James’ Cathedral in South Bend. Our own Clayton Zollinger was in attendance, too. ###

Jimmy’s Place: We could use a used refrigerator to store pop and candy bars. If you have one around the house collecting “whatever” – that you’d like to donate to Jimmy’s Place – please let Dave know. ###

Jane Swartley has joined the 5:55 Saturday evening Eucharist service planning committee. Thank you, Jane! ###

Cheese ball Factory: Assembly begins this Wednesday evening at 6:30 P.M. Please join us for fun, fellowship, plastic gloves that pull the hairs and skin on your arms and hands, and for the lingering smell of garlic permeating your sinuses. (I think Mary Lou will be smiling.). ###

I email each issue of the Weekly to various friends of the Parish, former parishioners, non-regulars, parishioners who I know will be out of town on a particular week, and others. Also, if you know of someone you will be visiting in the coming week, (shut in or others), take a copy for them.

Also, if you know of anyone who would like to receive the Weekly via email, please let Dave S. know – providing their name and email address. (Dave Zollinger also puts each Weekly issue on our church web site). ###

Check out Saturday’s Goshen News “Episcopal” church listing for a recently revised listing for Saint James’. It also begins in the Elkhart Truth on Fridays. ###

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Clayton Zollinger is our ☼ (this is the best star I could find!) GHS freshman football player – git’ um’ Clayton!!! ###

Annie Swartley “texted” her mother (Jane) to tell her she had received an 84% on her first French exam! ###

Sarah Taft reports that Howard continues to improve each day. Praise God! ###

Next week’s Weekly will provide information about who we are actually targeting for the 5:55 Saturday evening Eucharist service, and ways you can help provide leads. ###

Hug a ♫ musician ♫ today! ###


Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services & Jimmy’s Place

Come Harvest Time

Verse 1: Planted by God in a field without worth, we are but seeds in His eyes. So he nurtures with grace, and His hands work the earth, that His fruit may be sanctified – come harvest time.

Chorus: Come harvest time, what thanksgiving we will show, when the plowman brings freedom from the earth here below; come harvest time, O what joy will be known, when He gathers the souls of the seeds He has sewn.

Verse 2: So when doubt dries the land or the cold war winds blow, or the floods of indifference rise; O the roots that faith grew will keep us strong, till our last sunset leaves the sky – come harvest time.

Chorus: repeat. ###


Sermon for September 30, 2007

Sermon for September 30, 2007
St. James' Goshen, IN
Arthur Hadley

I always like to preach from this Gospel story that Jesus told about a rich man clothed in purple and fine linen who feasted every day. After all I am a diocesan canon, so my cassock is purple and my surplice is fine linen. And all that stuff is in Texas; so you are spared, and so am I. Wearing a cassock under an alb and chasuble is just too much.

Well back to the story Jesus told. The rich man ignored the plight of the poor man Lazarus who suffered just out side the home of the rich man. Both men die. Lazarus who had suffered greatly in life was welcomed into heaven, but the rich man was turned away and sent to Hades to suffer in eternity. The rich man asked God to let him send a message back to earth to warn his brothers. God responded, “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.”

I want to review our religious faith story.
1. Creation: God created all that is; God provided humanity everything they needed in the Garden of Eden with only one restriction - do not eat of the tree of knowledge between good and evil. Adam and Eve enjoyed the fruit of that forbidden tree. God put them out of the Garden of Eden.

2. God chose Abraham and Sarah to be the family of God in a promised land. And we go through the saga of the worlds most dysfunctional family. Lying, cheating, unfaithfulness, but God remained faithful to the family even when the family was not faithful to God. But the family of Abraham and Sarah into the third generation were the children of Israel and enslaved in Egypt.

3. Moses was selected by God to lead the enslaved Children of Israel out of Egypt into the desert where again God provided them with food, water for 40 years, just like God had provided for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. But this time instead of saying do not eat of the tree of knowledge between Good and Evil; this time God gave the Ten Commandments to clarify what is Good and what is Evil. Immediately the Children of Israel turned away from God; Moses despaired and God was angry enough to destroy the family of God. But Moses convinced God to repent and allow the Children of Israel to reenter the Promised land carrying the Ten Commandments.

4. The twelve tribes that grew from the 12 sons of Israel developed in the promised land trying to live with the ten commandments. Interpretations of the ten commandments became over 600 laws. God sent prophets to Israel to warn the people and the kings that they were not following God’s will. The prophets warned the people that if they did not return to God’s ways they would be punished. The tribes of Israel and their kings did not repent. The nations of Israel and Judah were destroyed. God relented and allowed the remnant of Judah to return to the Promised Land.

Jesus said, “If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead“.

Moses convinced God to repent of his anger and allow the children of Israel to live.

God sent the prophet to warn the people, but they did not listen and repent. God allowed Israel to be destroyed, but God saved a remnant to restart the family of God.

Jesus knew that even if someone was raised from the dead the people would not be convinced to live according to the Law.

God repented and Forgave the Sins of the whole world. We live in a new creation where sins are forgiven.

Thanks be to God.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


St. James Weekly

St. James' Weekly
September 23, 2007

God does not ask us to do great things – He wants us to do the things we do – GREATLY.

Dear Friends:

Check out Jimmy’s Place after Mass. The projector and screen have been installed! We just need to move the stage more to the center, and we’ll be all set. ###

It is my understanding that the microphone-audio system for the nave & choir will be installed next week. ###

The St. James’ Cathedral youth group is visiting Jimmy’s Place tonight – about 15 – 20 kids. Please join us if you can. The teaching-message will be on the “Resume of Jesus Christ” and we meet between 5:30 – 6:30 P.M. ###

Cecelia’s 90th birthday celebration last Sunday in Latta Hall was a great time. Cush is back to her young self again after being slightly under the weather. Praise God! ###

A committee has been formed of interested parishioners for the proposed 5:55 Saturday contemporary worship Eucharist. The committee is made up of: Chuck Wicks, Sandy Haberstich, Mary K. Stanley, Pat Robinson, Dave Swartley (and Phyllis Moreland, who will train Dave in Altar Guild procedures). Please let me know if you’re interested in helping with this short-term planning ministry. ###

God is Great and God is Good!


Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services & Jimmy’s Place


Happy Birthday Cecelia!

There were lots of people on hand to help Cecelia Cushing celebrate her birthday last Sunday. Family, friends, and fellow parishoners met in Latta Hall on the afternoon of the 16th to wish Cecelia well on her 90th.

Click for full size image

Click for full size image

Click for full size image

Click for full size image

Happy Birthday Cecelia!


Sermon for September 23, 2007

Sermon for September 23, 2007
St. James' - Goshen, IN
Arthur Hadley

We begin a new season; summer has ended and autumn has begun. A new moon so that we may sell the newly harvested grain. We hope and even trust that our measures are true and the money paid is sound. How would we know if the grain elevator has scales that weighed light? On our farms the grain goes from the combine by truck to the elevator; we trust that the driver of the truck goes to the right elevator, and we trust the elevator weighs the grain correctly. But it is all done in trust. We trust the elevator sends the check to the bank, and the check clears. Most of our business in done with a spoken agreement and trust in each vendor.

But in the past few weeks we have seen mortgage companies fail because they loaned money to folks that could not pay. Mortgage companies had escrowed funds from the borrower to pay property taxes, but the mortgage company failed to pay the taxes. So even people who had faithfully paid their monthly mortgage had to pay property tax with their own additional funds. Trust is the system failed.

Jesus commended the actions of the cheating steward for being wise in the ways of the world where cheating seems rampant. Football coaches spying on the signals of the opposing team. Hedge fund managers making unsecured investments. Former athletic great caught stealing or worse. Israel bombing something in Syria, and cutting off water, fuel and medical supplies to the poor suffering people of the Gaza. The US has private security forces who shoot innocent people in Iraq; these private forces are not under military rules or Iraq laws. Who can trust the actions of the world?

Amos heard the word of God spoken against such cheating, deceitful business… “ I will send a famine on the land; not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.”

Paul commends us to make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for all persons in high positions that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life, godly and respectful in every way. It is Paul’s desire that in every place all persons should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling.

Our Bishops are meeting in New Orleans. They have met with the Archbishop of Canterbury and other leaders of the Anglican Communion. In other parts of the Anglican Communion bishops can proclaim a policy in a hierarchical governing structure. It is difficult for those parts of the Anglican Communion to understand that our bishops can meet this week, but do not have any authority to proclaim any doctrinal or governance change in the Episcopal Church. Tomorrow the House of Bishops will attempt to agree on a statement from the House. But their statement will only be a statement that most of the bishops agree upon.

The General Convention is the deciding body of the Episcopal Church. Agreement must be concurrent with the House of Deputies, and the House of Bishops. The House of Deputies in one half laity and one half priests or deacons; in the House of Deputies there must be concurrent agreement between lay and ordained. Change comes slowly in the Episcopal church, and it is never top down.

So no matter if you agree with policies of our government or our church, we follow Paul’s teaching: making our supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings for all in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life, godly and respectful in everyway without anger or quarreling.

Thanks be to God.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


St. James Weekly 09-16-07

St. James Weekly
Dear Friends:

The Jimmy’s Place band has been asked by the Bishop and his staff to play during lunch at the Diocesan Convention on October 27th. This is a wonderful honor for them. ###

Prayer and Thanksgivings:
For our proposed 5:55 P.M. Contemporary Eucharist service.
For those contemplating Confirmation.
For Jody and Phil as they plan their life together.
For Bishop Little, and the awesome responsibilities that go with his vocation and ministry.
For answered prayers. ###

A BIG thanks to those who helped last week with snacks and pop for Jimmy’s Place. ###

In about two weeks you’re going to be able to hear better! What?? Well, at least in the nave and sanctuary. A wireless microphone and speaker system will be installed – one mic for the celebrant, and one that the Readers and Worship Leader (LEM) will share.

Also, a screen and projector system will be installed in Jimmy’s Place, so scripture, song lyrics, and movie clips can be viewed. We will also use this system for the proposed 5:55 P.M. Saturday evening contemporary Eucharist.

All of this audio-video equipment is made possible by a generous designated gift from Mary K. Stanley, as a memorial to her late husband, Bob Stanley. ###

Swartley News:
We spent the last two days in Bloomington (IU) with Annie. Annie is now thinking about declaring her major in vocal music, i.e., “music management”. This is both exciting and scary to her, the IU Jacobs School of Music is second to none to Julliard. Her Grandpa Swartley would be so proud!
While entering Bloomington, we “just happened” to run into the Robinson-Rheinheimer clan-caravan at Motel 6.
We are now officially empty nesters! Chris and Racheal moved to a home in the country on C.R. 20, just 1 mile east of Jefferson Elementary School. ###

This week marks the 1st anniversary of being your Director of Parish Services. It has been a wonderful year of learning and blessings. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve and represent our beloved Parish.


Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services

Saturday, September 15, 2007


A Message to Diocesan Pastors and Youth Workers

September 14, 2007

Dear Pastors and Youth Workers:

On Sunday, September 23rd, the Cathedral's youth (between 15 - 20 kids) are visiting Jimmy's Place at Saint James's Episcopal Church in Goshen.

We thought it would be a fun time to get some of our Diocesan youth together as well as some of the regulars at Jimmy's Place.

Won't you consider joining the Cathedral youth at Jimmy's Place - bringing some of your youth that evening between 5:30 - 7 p.m.?

We just hang out, play games, conversation, sing along with the Jimmy's Place praise band, and have a short teaching.

Please R.S.V.P so we know how many youth and leaders to expect.


Dave Swartley, Director of Parish Services & Jimmy's Place
Saint James' Episcopal Church, Goshen


AFEDJ September Newsletter

Father Hadley submitted the following for publication:

Dear Missioners of the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem,

I do hope you all received the Mid Summer AFEDJ Newsletter I mailed first class to with a Missioner Survey to be returned. I thank all those who took the time to send me back the Missioner Survey. If it is still sitting on the pile of," I need to get arround to it" now is the time to do it!

I do hope you have met with your Rector, Outreach Committee or Vestry to make plans for the AFEDJ Sunday on December 9th. If there is anything I can do to assist you in gathering an offering or obtaining an outreach grant from your church please let me know.

Remember we have brochures, they are free, only cost is postage, and Jerusalem Coin boxes, 25 for $2.50 and postage available by calling toll free, the Episcopal
Book Services 1-800-903-5544. They provide wonderful service and normally ship within 48 hours. Order them now for AFEDJ Sunday on December 9th, and also put some on your tract rack.

We are now looking for a volunteer or paid, AFEDJ Administrator to help with supporting our work. I have sent you as an attachment the Position Description. Please return by September 24th.

I also have sent you as an attachment the September , Diocese of Jerusalem Newsletter, that you can print and put on you Churches Bulletin Board. I printed out two copies for our Churches and Fellowship Hall Bulletin Boards.

Peace, Love and Joy,

Charles Cloughen, Jr.
President Emeritus

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Sermon for September 16, 2007

Sermon for September 16, 2007
St. James - Goshen, IN
Arthur Hadley

In the first lesson from Exodus, we heard God and Moses talking about the Children of Israel. God had sent Moses back to Egypt to lead the captive children of Israel out of slavery. They crossed the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army pursuing them. Go down Moses set my people free. The Red Sea parted for the children of Israel and then closed in sweeping away the Egyptian army. God provided for the Children of Israel with manna from heaven, quail, water from the rocks, clouds to shade them from the scorching sunlight by day and light by night. God gave Moses the ten Commandments to teach the children of Israel right from wrong. The Sinai Desert became a new garden of Eden where all needs were provided and the difference between right and was given.

Even with all that God had done for those enslaved children of Israel, they turned away from God, wanted to make a golden calf to represent a new god. Moses was in despair, and God was furious. God was ready to destroy the descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. But Moses pleaded with God to repent from anger, and not destroy the family of God. Moses pleaded that God show mercy, not righteous judgmental wrath. And God repented; God was and is merciful.

Paul grew up a faithful Jew. He followed the commandments, and condemned the followers of Jesus because they were not faithful to the laws of self-righteousness. Paul was there when Stephen was stoned to death outside the walls of Jerusalem; Paul was sent by the Jewish court to persecute the Christians in Damascus. Paul was struck down blind on the road to Damascus, and his sight restored when baptized by a Christian. Paul repented because he had received God’s mercy. Paul became a missionary spreading the word of God’s mercy and forgiveness, admitting his own sinfulness and accepting other sinners and new Christians.

In the Gospel Jesus chose to seek out the sinners of society: tax collectors, traitors, women of the street. From the birth narrative of Jesus, the first to know were shepherd tending the flocks at night. Shepherds were considered so un trustworthy they could not be in town at night; they could not testify in courts. But they were chosen by God to be the first to know that a Savior was born in Bethlehem. And Jesus used a story about a shepherd who goes back to the wilderness to rescue a lost sheep. “And when he found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.”

Women were in as low esteem as the poor shepherds. They also could not testify in court, nor own property. But Jesus tells the story of the women who lost a coin, and sweeps the house clean until she find the lost coin. Then she calls upon her neighbors to rejoice with her that the lost is found.

Jesus taught that the lost, the least and the last will be saved. And the last shall be first in the Kingdom of Heaven:

because God repented of his wrath and provided mercy for the Children of Israel even when they turn from God and worshiped a golden calf,

because God forgave Paul of his self - righteousness and made him an apostle to us Gentiles,

because Jesus died on the cross for the sin of the whole world.

Thanks Be to God.


Archbishop of Canterbury to join House of Bishops meeting in September

When the House of Bishops meets in September in New Orleans,members and spouses will have hands-on opportunities to help rebuilding efforts in hurricane-affected areas.
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, visiting at the bishops’ invitation, will participate in a September 20 interfaith gathering to rededicate the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.

Read the full article here: House of Bishops

Saturday, September 8, 2007


St. James Weekly 09-09-2007

Do you enjoy reading "Saint James Weekly", and receiving the printed version at church?
If you do, please let Dave Swartley know.

Saint James’ Weekly

September 9, 2007

Dear Friends:

Please continue to hold up the following list in prayer:

New people and members for Saint James’/ the people’s ministry.
The Saint James’ Singers/ministry.
Jimmy’s Place; the Band, the Board of Advisors, and finding new ways to attract kids to Jimmy’s Place. The Board met last Thursday evening, and we’ve developed some great ideas – more on this later.
Our Saturday evening 5:55 P.M. Contemporary Eucharist worship service targeted to begin December 1, 2007. If God wants this to happen, He will provide the way for us. (Ask Dave how you can get involved in the planning of this awesome ministry.).
Our Altar Guild/ministry.
Katie, and all of her office ministry responsibilities.
Chuck, Rhoda, our Vestry, and all the sub-committees of the Church.
Dave Zollinger – our Web Site administrator/ministry. ###

Pending the Bishop’s okay, Chuck is considering teaching a Confirmation Class for those who may be interested in being confirmed. (Attending class doesn’t obligate you to get Confirmed.). Also, this will be a "refresher" for those already confirmed. It’s a great way to learn about the Church, history, functions of the Church and greater Church, and Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The class would be held at 10:30 A.M. (after Mass), and thus, other ages of Sunday School would also meet at that time. ###

Tonight, Jimmy’s Place is hosting 4 Bands, and we expect between 100 – 125 kids. I need to buy some more pop, water bottles for the Bands, and chips. If you’re interested in helping with this, please see me after Mass. ###

Lastly, I need your feedback. Is the Saint James’ Weekly mini-newsletter helpful to you? Are you reading it? It’s one way to keep the congregation informed on a regular basis, plus eliminate announcements during the Church service. Please let me know. ###

Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Sermon for September 9, 2007

Sermon for September 9, 2007
St. James’ Goshen, IN
Arthur Hadley

One of the joys and curses of being human is choice. We each have choices every day: when to get up, what to wear, what to eat, and all of that is before breakfast coffee. More choices and more choices, and each choice has consequences. Sometimes you might want to just pull up the bedcovers to avoid all those choices, but doing nothing is also a choice, and has another set of consequences.

Each of the three lessons this morning concern making choices. In reality most of the Bible is about the people of God making choices and living with the consequences. It started with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; they had a choice. They could live in the Garden of Eden eating of all of fruits and vegetables growing in the garden; all but one which God told them they must not eat of that tree. Well they, just like us, could not resist doing what we are told not to do. So they failed to eat of the tree of life which was offered, but chose to eat of the tree knowledge. The consequences were swift; God put humanity out of the Garden of Eden.

We intuitively know that we are missing what was once offered, everlasting life. We know that somehow we should have life, but we also know that our body will die. The body came from the dust of the earth in God’s creation, and returns to the dust of the earth. We all know that. But we also know that there is more to life than just the body.

In the first lesson for Deuteronomy we hear again about Moses who had listened to God at the burning bush: Go back to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let my people go. God was telling Moses to go back to Egypt where Moses was a wanted man for killing two of Pharaoh’s soldiers. Moses was wanted for murder. Moses made a choice and the consequence was living in exile in the Sinai Desert. Moses followed God’s instructions. The Children of Israel fled Egypt following Moses into the Sinai that Moses knew well; God provided food and water, and the ten commandments in the desert. But even with all that was given by God, the Children of Israel had to make a choice. They had to choose between Life and Death. By loving God, following the commandments, and walking in his ways, they could have life, but if they turned away they would perish. Choose life.

In the second lesson Paul is writing to an long time friend and fellow Christian. Paul was in prison in Rome awaiting execution; with him was a fellow Christian disciple, who had been a slave of Philemon. Paul asks that the former slave be accepted by Philemon as a fellow Christian, even as a son of Paul. Could Philemon accept a run away slave as an equal, and provide for him as he would for a son of his great friend Paul?

When we accept the salvation, everlasting life, offered by Christ, we put aside other loyalties and other faith based beliefs. We accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. We accept the offer of God to reopen the doors of Eden in order that we may eat of the tree of life and have life everlasting with the ever living God.

We have a choice always before us: Choose Life by loving God, following the commandments, and walking in his ways, or turn away from what is offered and perish.
We have a choice. Choose Life.

Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


St. James' Weekly

Saint James’ Weekly

September 1, 2007

Dear Friends:

This week was fairly quiet at Saint James’ in terms of hospitalizations and/or emergencies, etc. As of this writing, I am unaware of any new major happenings. We can praise God for this! ###

Saint James’ Choir: I’m still needing people to sign up for Choir. We have five signed up, including Mil Taylor – but he will be gone the month of September on trips, etc., so we really need to fill that void. Won’t you please consider 2 hours out of you week for this important ministry? It will be fun and fulfilling for you, as well as for the congregation. Your voice is secondary; you heart and willingness to serve takes first place. Please see Dave for details. ###

GREAT NEWS! Howard and Sarah visited Indianapolis doctors this past week. Howard is cancer FREE! The doctors are now deciding whether or not to do the cancer treatment anyway. Thanks be to a mighty God. ###


Dave Swartley
Director of Parish Services

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